Discover Your Best Treatment Option By Speaking With Our Surgeons
Which Vision Correction Treatment Is Right For You?
For the correction of vision disorders, we offer the full range of treatments within refractive surgery and make it possible for our patients to live a life free from glasses. After a detailed and personal consultation, and intensive preliminary examination we will determine which procedure you are suitable for.
Important prerequisites for treatment are, for example, the stability of the refractive values and a sufficient thickness of the cornea. There should be no eye disease or pregnancy, the minimum age is 18 years.
Find The Right Treatment For Your Condition

What is high Myopia and how can it be treated
What is Myopia and how can it be treated?

What is a Cataract and How Can It Be Treated?
A cataract is the clouding of the natural lens inside the eye, leading to blurred or impaired vision. This condition is most often age-related, commonly affecting individuals over 60, although it can develop earlier. Over time, the lens becomes progressively more opaque, causing difficulties with activities like reading, driving, or recognizing faces.
Do you find that your vision is increasingly cloudy or dim? EuroEyes offers a highly effective solution for treating cataracts and restoring clear vision.

What is Presbyopia and how can it be treated?
Presbyopia is a very common, age-related eye condition that affects the flexibility of the natural lens. It generally starts affecting eyesight at around the age of 40 and can gradually worsen over time.
Why Choose Us?

Expert Surgeons. Established 1993 with more than 30 years of experience in refractive and lens surgery

Specialized on Laser Vision Correction and Presbyopia Treatment (high volume surgeons each 2000 operations a year)

Performed the most Trifocal Lens (Zeiss) Implantations Worldwide (treatment of presbyopia)

Performed the most Trifocal Lens (Zeiss) Implantations Worldwide (treatment of presbyopia)

Performed the most ICL Implantations in Europe (treatment of myopia)

World Renowned. LEC London is a part of the acclaimed EuroEyes International Eye Group, with clinics in major global cities.
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
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